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SMARTPOLIS – Establishment of the Budapest Smart City Centre of Excellence

Project acronym: SMARTPOLIS

Project title: Establishment of the Budapest Smart City Centre of Excellence

Duration: 2015–2016

Source: Horizon 2020

Funding: 388.688 €



The Budapest Centre of Excellence for Smart Cities will be the nucleus and hub for building up capacity and knowledge sharing within the larger European Initiative EIP SCC. Because the required knowledge development needs a multi-disciplinary approach including but not limited to city planning, high level modelling, situation awareness, urban sensors, analysis & simulation of possible solutions and multi criteria decision support, such a Centre will benefit largely from the infrastructure of a technical university. The Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) has the capabilities to combine the engineering solutions with economic aspects and innovation management.

The project idea is to establish a Centre of Expertise which will be well-connected to the EIP SCC, its strategic implementation plan, and the Smart Cities Stakeholder Platform utilizing the expertise of BME for developing a regional knowledge centre. Furthermore, helping local business to build up capacity and knowledge which should lead to new products & solutions as well as protecting related intellectual property.

Though the cooperation of the parties the long term goal of establishing a centre of excellence for smart city technologies and their implementation with regional reach in Central Eastern Europe. The establishment of a successful new operation is achieved through the realization of short and medium term goals and targets.