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Current Students

Study structure

The PhD program consists of 8 semesters, where subjects have to be taken, teaching has to be conducted and research has to be performed. At the end of every semester the PhD students a research progress report needs to be prepared. After the 4th semester a complex exam has to be passed. PhD students are required to conduct research, publish their work, and prepare their thesis at the end of the PhD program.

Basic subjects

These subjects provide high level knowledge in the fields of mathematics, mechanics, material science, system theory, control theory, informatics, operation research, optimization, decision support and planning methods.

Specific subjects

These subjects include transportation logistics and vehicle sciences and provide knowledge about transport networks, logistics processes, vehicles structures, and their theoretical, planning, modeling, analysis and measuring aspects.


Recommended subjects

These subjects are a general recommendation for the PhD students. The subjects (except Research Techniques) can be eventually chosen by the PhD students from the lists of subjects. Please note that only those courses of the subjects will be started in each semester, which are agreed with the supervisor, with the lecturer of the course (in advance) and are chosen by a predefined minimum number of PhD students.

1. Semester:
– Research Techniques BMEKOKAD004 (compulsory)
– Transport Economics I. BMEKOKGD006
– Transport Informatics BMEKOKUD002
– Traffic Technology (Models) BMEKOKUD009

2. Semester:
– Transport Economics II. BMEKOKGD007
– Passenger Transport Systems BMEKOKUD021
– Environmental Effects on Transport BMEKOKUD020

3. Semester:
– Mathematical Methods I. BMEKOKAD003
– Decision Making Method BMEKOKKD008
– Smart City BMEKOKKD011

4. Semester:
– Mathematical Methods II. BMEKOKAD007
– Transport Technology BMEKOKUD003
– Innovation and entrepreneurship in transportation BMEKOKKD014

Study plan

The study plan contains the description of the PhD program, the structure of the program, and the steps of the student progress.

Semester work plan

Before starting each semester, the students have to submit a work plan for the semester.

Research progress report

Students of the Kandó Kálmán Doctoral School have to report their progress in each semester in form of a written and oral presentation. Details about the requirements and the structure of the report can be downloaded.

Complex exam

In order to finish the study and research period of the PhD program and be accepted to the research and dissertation period of the PhD program, taking a successful complex exam is necessary. Details about the requirements and the structure of the complex exam can be found in the study plan.


Submission of the PhD dissertation (Initiation of the PhD process)

The last step in achieving the PhD title is writing and submitting the dissertation. Together with the dissertation PhD students must produce a thesis book and a summary of their research, furthermore they have to meet the publication and language minimum requirements.



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