Project acronym: SUMODO
Project title: Sustainable Urban MObility Development in Outskirts
Duration: 2024–2026
Source: Driving Urban Transitions
Funding: 71.785.280,-Ft
Cities recognise the need to prioritise active and sustainable transport modes as they boost the sustainability of their neighbourhoods. Accordingly, different interventions are carried out (like new green areas, pedestrian and cycling infrastructure or reducing the surface reserved for private vehicles). However, any change in the citizens’ travel behaviour causes social resistance. Therefore, the transitional process has to be carefully planned to avoid traffic chaos and to increase citizen acceptance.
The aim of the SUMODO project is to develop decision support methods and IT applications for measures to transform urban transport systems and travel patterns. SUMODO will develop a simulation platform to ease and smooth this process by helping urban planners design and optimise the deployment of 15-min cities as well as to aid travellers’ decisions. (Note: according to the concept of 15-min cities, locations where daily needs can be satisfied are accessible by sustainable transport modes within a maximum 15-min travel. The SUMODO platform supports the mitigation of individual car use and will combine the following tools:
• SUMODO behaviour model: frequency and transport mode preferences of citizens when visiting Points of Interest.
• SUMODO 15-min composite index: a panel of indicators for the assessment of 15-min cities.
• SUMODO activity based multimodal travel planner: methods to compute the accessibility to services using active and sustainable transport modes.
• SUMODO optimisation system: implementation of multiobjective optimization algorithms in a Geographical Information System.
This will allow urban planners to optimise physical (e.g. pedestrianisation) and policy-based (like slow zones) interventions to foster the deployment of 15-min cities with minimum economic and social cost.