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Transportation Engineering Master (MSc)

Transportation engineering Master (MSc)

The 4 semester long master education programme is a continuation of the bachelor studies. Our aim is to train graduates, who will be able to analyze, plan, organize and control transport related processes in an integrated way considering economic, safety, environmental and human resource aspects. Graduates will be able to deal with tasks of transport administration and transport authorities, choice and operation of vehicles and facilities of passenger and good transportation systems and related infrastructural, control and IT system elements. The students will also be prepared to higher management tasks, to creatively participate in research & development tasks. These studies prepare students for our PhD programme.

For more information about the application process, please visit the website of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics.


Transportation systems specialization

Knowledge can be obtained about smart cities, passenger transportation systems, city logistics, planning of transportation systems, environmental effects, process management including transportation infrastructure and control systems, traffic modeling with micro and macro simulation.

Transportation automatization specialization

In this specialization both theory and practice in automatization of complex transportation systems and solving of relevant problems are covered with special focus on safety critical systems.

Transportation engineer manager specialization

The focus is on transportation policy, transportation development, transport safety related economic questions, regulation methods, financing techniques, integrated intermodal transportation systems, human resource management and managements of transportation and logistics services.

Freight forwarding management specialization

Students will acquire up-to-date knowledge about methods of business, financial and accounting techniques in the fields of freight forward marketing and management. The main focus of the specialization is on decision support methods, elaboration of practical case studies, which helps develop team work, problem solving and presentation skills.

Air Traffic Management specialization

Aim of the Air Traffic Management specialization is to provide knowledge in the field of air traffic control. The course handles basic units of air traffic control (ATC, ATFM, ASM), handling of the air traffic, fundamental systems, problems and the solutions. Navigational systems and meteorological studies are also part of the course.