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Cargo Bikes and Neighborhood Engagement in the 15-Minute City

Project acronym: CargoNE-City

Project title: Cargo Bikes and Neighborhood Engagement in the 15-Minute City

Duration: 2024–2026

Source: Driving Urban Transitions

Funding: 1.510.000 €



Car-goNE-City is an applied research project that investigates the extent to which shared cargo bike mobility can increase accessibility by active transport to essential urban functions in 15-minute cities, lower transportation costs, and reduce private car use. Consortium partners include universities, research institutes, municipalities, public sector organizations, and SMEs developing participatory and game platforms. Car-goNE-City uses a series of participatory approaches that engage citizens directly in the planning, design, implementation, and evaluation of shared cargo bike mobility. 

The goals of the project include (1) studying time-based accessibility of 15-minute cities by developing innovative methods that incorporate shared mobility; (2) understanding the potential for shared cargo bike mobility to reduce car use and its interactions within multi-modal transport systems; (3) engaging residents in participatory design of shared mobility using digital participation methods, gamification, pilot projects, and living labs; and (4) identifying effective approaches for accelerating shared mobility implementation. Cities involved include Gothenburg, Mölndal, Trollhӓttan (Sweden), Olso (Norway), Karlsruhe and Konstanz (Germany), and Budapest (Hungary). This project will generate transition pathways for small, medium and large European cities for active and car-reduced urban mobility and provide policy recommendations on the effective uses of shared cargo bike mobility to achieve sustainable mobility objective.