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Driving Equitable and Accessible 15 Minute Neighbourhood Transformations

Project acronym: DREAMS

Project title: Driving Equitable and Accessible 15 Minute Neighbourhood Transformations

Duration: 2024–2026

Source: Driving Urban Transitions

Funding: 2.132.454 €



The DREAMS project aims to examine how co-created and user-centric mobility services, mobility and flexible activity hubs can contribute to accessible, sustainable and inclusive 15mC neighborhoods in urban outskirts in European cities and regions. DREAMS will conduct research in six living labs across Europe: Budapest, Brussels, Munich, Paris, Utrecht and Vienna.

DREAMS will firstly provide a comprehensive and comparative analysis of 15mC lifestyles in a variety of low- to mid-density suburban and urban outskirts in the five regions. Secondly, DREAMS will develop and test new business models and governance frameworks for new shared mobility services and flexible activity hubs in low/medium density areas. Thirdly, DREAMS will develop and apply a decision support tool for the co-creation and impact assessment of mobility services, mobility hubs and flexible activity hubs in the DREAMS living labs. Fourthly, DREAMS will examine the mobility, accessibility and wider societal impacts of the mobility services, mobility hubs and flexible activity hubs services. Finally, the last aim is to give policy recommendations on pathways towards creating sustainable and inclusive urban mobility in 15mC neighborhoods in urban outskirts through the utilisation of co-created and user-centric mobility services, mobility and flexible activity hubs and new business models.