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Enhancing Mobility Services in Rural Regions

Project acronym: RegiaMobil

Project title: Enhancing Mobility Services in Rural Regions

Duration: 2020–2022

Source: Interreg Central Europe

Funding: 1.660.086 €



RegiaMobil aims at enhancing the mobility of people living in rural areas through smart public transport solutions and hence at improving their access to the European and national transport networks. It focuses on improving the accessibility of peripheral and border regions to the TEN-T. The project capitalizes on outputs resulting from four Interreg Central Europe projects (Rumobil, SubNodes, Shareplace, Connect2CE) enriched by results of HORIZON 2020 operations (MaaS4EU, MoTiV, SIADE) in the domain of smart public transport. This downstreaming approach is implemented through six pilots to demonstrate the transferability and added value of smart public transport approaches for better mobility services in rural areas.

Smart mobility solutions allowing to change the understanding of public transport are closely linked to ICT solutions that have not yet penetrated peripheral regions. RegiaMobil therefore aims to demonstrate the transnational transferability and effectiveness of already developed approaches for a smart and demand-responsive public transport to promote and prepare their mainstreaming. The innovative character of the identified approaches is further highlighted through the integration of latest research results to better understand to what extent smart mobility services can be implemented, how investment decisions’ effectiveness for the quality of mobility services become measurable, and how big data helps to identify mobility demands.