| Attila Aba | assistant research fellow | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | mt mt | |
| Mekonnen Anteneh Afework | PhD student | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| Jaber Ahmed | PhD student | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| Mahdi Ali | PhD student | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| Maktabifard Ali | PhD student | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| Al-lami Ammar | PhD student | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| Abdullah Ahmad Alatawneh Anas | PhD student | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| Szilárd Aradi | associate professor | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | mt mt | |
| Tamás Baár | lecturer | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | mt mt | |
| András Bakos | assistant lecturer | | Department of Material Handling and Logistics Systems | mt mt | |
| Boglárka Ballok | managing expert | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | | |
| Krisztián Bán | associate professor | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| Pál Bánlaki | ret. senior research fellow | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| Csaba Bányácski | lecturer | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| Edit Baranyi | senior lecturer | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | mt mt | |
| Ádám Bárdos | research group leader, research fellow | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| Miklós Bartha | research fellow | | Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis | | |
| Tamás Bartha | associate professor | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | mt mt | |
| Hakan Basargan | PhD student | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | | |
| Tamás Bécsi | deputy head of department, associate professor | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | mt mt | |
| Péter Béda | professor | | Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis | mt mt | |
| Károly Beneda | senior lecturer | | Department of Aeronautics, Naval Architecture and Railway Vehicles | mt mt | |
| Bálint Bertalan | department engineer | | Department of Material Handling and Logistics Systems | | |
| Marcell Bertalan | assistant lecturer | | Department of Material Handling and Logistics Systems | | |
| György Bicsák | senior lecturer | | Department of Aeronautics, Naval Architecture and Railway Vehicles | mt mt | |
| Gábor Bohács | senior research fellow, associate professor | | Department of Material Handling and Logistics Systems | mt mt | |
| József Bokor | Professor Emeritus | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | mt mt | |
| Krisztián Bóna | head of department, associate professor | | Department of Material Handling and Logistics Systems | mt mt | |
| Lajos Borbás | honorary professor | | Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis | mt mt | |
| Barnabás Bugár-Mészáros | PhD student | | Department of Material Handling and Logistics Systems | | |
| Tamásné Burány | education coordinator | | Postgraduate Training Center for Technical Sciences | | |
| Gábor Buza | ret. honorary professor | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| Hang Cao | PhD student | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| Piazzi Arthur Couto | PhD student | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | | |
| József Cseke | research fellow | | Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis | | |
| Márton Cserni | PhD student | | Department of Vehicle Technology | | |
| Csaba Csiszár | professor | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | mt mt | |
| Alexandra Vereszki | PR manager | | Dean’s Office | | |
| Vilmos Csomor | technician | | Department of Aeronautics, Naval Architecture and Railway Vehicles | | |
| Bálint Csonka | research fellow | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | mt mt | |
| Mihály Csonthó | PhD student | | Department of Vehicle Technology | | |
| Jima Debela | PhD student | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| Khaoula Derbel | PhD student | | Department of Aeronautics, Naval Architecture and Railway Vehicles | | |
| János Devecz | master lecturer | | Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis | mt mt | |
| Dániel Károly Doba | assistant research fellow | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | | |
| Ádám Domina | PhD student | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| Ferenc Dömötör | ret. honorary associate professor | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| Szabolcs Duleba | associate professor | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | mt mt | |
| Nguyen Dinh Dung | PhD student | | Department of Aeronautics, Naval Architecture and Railway Vehicles | | |
| Eszter Emőd | managing expert | | Dean’s Office | | |
| Husein Esra'a | PhD student | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| Domokos Esztergár-Kiss | senior research fellow | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | mt mt | |
| Zsófia Fábián | PhD student | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | | |
| Pataki Györgyi Fajthné | administrator | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| Zsolt Faltin | PhD student | | Department of Aeronautics, Naval Architecture and Railway Vehicles | | |
| Balázs Farkas | assistant research fellow | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | mt mt | |
| Máté Fazekas | PhD student | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | | |
| Árpád Fehér | assistant research fellow | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | mt mt | |
| Péter Ficzere | associate professor | | Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis | mt mt | |
| Árpád Forberger | department engineer | | Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis | | |
| Dávid Földes | research fellow | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | mt mt | |
| Natália Friedmann | research group leader | | Dean’s Office | | |
| István Gál | assistant lecturer | | Department of Aeronautics, Naval Architecture and Railway Vehicles | mt mt | |
| Frigyes Galambosi | senior lecturer | | Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis | | |
| Péter Gáspár | head of department, professor | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | mt mt | |
| Sándor Gazdag | PhD student | | Department of Material Handling and Logistics Systems | | |
| Marcell Golarits | PhD student | | Department of Material Handling and Logistics Systems | | |
| Balázs Göndöcs | ret. honorary associate professor | | Department of Vehicle Technology | | |
| Károly Gyenes | honorary professor | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | mt mt | |
| Márk Győri | assistant lecturer | | Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis | mt mt | |
| Judit H. Nagy | manager | | Postgraduate Training Center for Technical Sciences | | |
| Gabriella Hanauer | personal assistant | | Department of Vehicle Technology | | |
| L. Csaba Hargitai | senior lecturer | | Department of Aeronautics, Naval Architecture and Railway Vehicles | mt mt | |
| Péter Harth | assistant lecturer | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| Tamás Hegedűs | PhD student | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | | |
| Szabolcs Herczeg | senior lecturer | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| Solieman Hiba | PhD student | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| József Hlinka | assistant lecturer | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| Péter Homonnai | PhD student | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | mt mt | |
| Eszter Horváth | senior lecturer | | Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis | mt mt | |
| Zsolt Csaba Horváth | master lecturer | | Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis | mt mt | |
| Dániel Hörcher | research fellow | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | mt mt | |
| István Hrivnák | senior lecturer | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | mt mt | |
| István Jankovics | assistant lecturer | | Department of Aeronautics, Naval Architecture and Railway Vehicles | mt mt | |
| Oliveira da Cruz Júlio | PhD student | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| Abbood Kadhim | PhD student | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| Utku Kale | senior lecturer | | Department of Aeronautics, Naval Architecture and Railway Vehicles | mt mt | |
| Gábor Kardos | assistant research fellow | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | | |
| Ismael Karzan | PhD student | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| Géza Katona | senior lecturer | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| Tamás Márton Kazár | department engineer | | Department of Vehicle Technology | | |
| Imre Kerekes | master lecturer | | Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis | | |
| Lajos Kisgyörgy | associate professor | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| Ádám Szabolcs Kiss | department engineer | | Department of Material Handling and Logistics Systems | | |
| Csaba Péter Kiss | master lecturer | | Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis | | |
| Frics Veronika Kis-Simonné | administrator | | Department of Aeronautics, Naval Architecture and Railway Vehicles | | |
| András Jenőné Kóczé | administrator | | Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis | | |
| László Kocsis | IT expert | | Dean’s Office | | |
| Máté Kolat | PhD student | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | | |
| Ferenc Kolonits | Professor Emeritus | | Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis | mt mt | |
| Zoltán Komócsin | honorary associate professor | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | | |
| István Péter Kondor | PhD student | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| Péter Kondrát | technician | | Department of Vehicle Technology | | |
| András Kovács | assistant lecturer | | Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis | | |
| Gábor Kovács | deputy head of department, senior lecturer | | Department of Material Handling and Logistics Systems | mt mt | |
| Miklós Kózel | assistant research fellow | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | mt mt | |
| Tímea Kőszegi | administrator | | Dean’s Office | | |
| Bálint Kővári | PhD student | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | | |
| Botond Kővári | associate professor | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | mt mt | |
| Gilicze Éva Kövesné | Professor Emerita | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | mt mt | |
| Miklós Krémer | master lecturer | | Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis | | |
| Nóra Krizsik | PhD student | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| Oubahman Laila | PhD student | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| András Rudolf Lakatos | research fellow | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | mt mt | |
| Enikő Legeza | ret. associate professor | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | mt mt | |
| Márk Lelkes | honorary associate professor | | Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis | mt mt | |
| Attila Lelkó | PhD student | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | | |
| Anita Lénárt | administrator | | Dean’s Office | | |
| Balázs Lénárt | assistant lecturer | | Department of Material Handling and Logistics Systems | mt mt | |
| Bladimir Toaza Lenin | PhD student | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| László Lindenmaier | PhD student | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | | |
| Antal Lovas | ret. honorary professor | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| László Lovas | associate professor | | Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis | mt mt | |
| István Ferenc Lövétei | assistant research fellow | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | | |
| Tamás Luspay | lecturer, senior research fellow | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | mt mt | |
| Qiong Lu | PhD student | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | | |
| Máté M. Szűcs | PhD student | | Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis | | |
| Jneid Mahmoud | PhD student | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| Dénes Makay | department engineer | | Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis | | |
| Péter Mándoki | vice dean, head of department, associate professor | | Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis | mt mt | |
| János Márialigeti | Professor Emeritus | | Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis | mt mt | |
| Tamás Markovits | deputy head of department, associate professor | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| Marianna Márkus | training specialist | | Department of Vehicle Technology | | |
| Péter Meglécz | department engineer | | Department of Material Handling and Logistics Systems | | |
| Gábor Melegh | ret. honorary professor | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| Ferenc Mészáros | vice dean, associate professor | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | mt mt | |
| Péter Mészáros | ret. senior lecturer | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | mt mt | |
| Dóra Zsófia Meyer | senior lecturer | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | mt mt | |
| Eszter Mikus | education coordinator | | Dean’s Office | | |
| Petra Molnár-Major | PhD student | | Department of Material Handling and Logistics Systems | | |
| Krisztina Mózer | head of dean’s office | | Dean’s Office | | |
| István Mudra | lecturer | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| Enikő Nagy | lecturer | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | mt mt | |
| Roberta Nagy | managing expert, education coordinator | | Postgraduate Training Center for Technical Sciences | | |
| Simon Nagy | PhD student | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| Szabolcs Nagy | assistant research fellow | | Department of Vehicle Technology | | |
| Zoltán Nagy | master lecturer | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | mt mt | |
| Balázs Németh | research fellow | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | mt mt | |
| István Németh | master lecturer | | Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis | mt mt | |
| Hamdan Noura | PhD student | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| László Ádám Nyerges | assistant lecturer | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| Mohammed Obaid | PhD student | | Department of Vehicle Technology | | |
| Bobicic Ognjen | PhD student | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| Tamás Ormándi | PhD student | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | | |
| Ildikó Paulovics | financial administrator | | Department of Material Handling and Logistics Systems | | |
| Melinda Pál | managing expert | | Department of Material Handling and Logistics Systems | | |
| Zoltán József Pál | senior lecturer | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| Ferenc Pápai | ret. associate professor | | Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis | mt mt | |
| Márton Pataki | PhD student | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| Tamás Péter | honorary professor | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | mt mt | |
| Zsombor Pethő | PhD student | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| Abdullah Pires | PhD student | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| Judit Püski | administrator | | Department of Material Handling and Logistics Systems | | |
| Olivér Rákos | assistant research fellow | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | mt mt | |
| Annamária Rákossy | managing expert | | Dean’s Office | | |
| György Richlik | senior lecturer | | Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis | mt mt | |
| Angéla Rinkács | research fellow, senior lecturer | | Department of Material Handling and Logistics Systems | mt mt | |
| Desta Robel | PhD student | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| Dániel Rohács | head of department, associate professor | | Department of Aeronautics, Naval Architecture and Railway Vehicles | mt mt | |
| József Rohács | Professor Emeritus | | Department of Aeronautics, Naval Architecture and Railway Vehicles | mt mt | |
| Ádám Róka | department engineer | | Department of Material Handling and Logistics Systems | | |
| Zoltán Rózsa | research fellow, senior lecturer | | Department of Material Handling and Logistics Systems | mt mt | |
| András Rövid | senior research fellow | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| Hizba Muhammad Sadida | PhD student | | Department of Material Handling and Logistics Systems | | |
| Dávid Lajos Sárdi | senior lecturer | | Department of Material Handling and Logistics Systems | | |
| Ágnes Sepler | financial administrator | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | | |
| Győző Simongáti | deputy head of department, associate professor | | Department of Aeronautics, Naval Architecture and Railway Vehicles | mt mt | |
| Tibor Sipos | deputy head of department, associate professor | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | mt mt | |
| Silva Dahlen Siquera | PhD student | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| Tamás Soltész | assistant research fellow | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | mt mt | |
| Rita Somogyi | lecturer | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| Tamás Strommer | PhD student | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| Gergely Szabados | department engineer | | Department of Vehicle Technology | | |
| Ádám Szabó | assistant research fellow | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | mt mt | |
| András Szabó | associate professor | | Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis | mt mt | |
| Géza Szabó | associate professor | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | mt mt | |
| Zoltán Szabó | senior lecturer | | Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis | mt mt | |
| Zsombor Szabó | assistant lecturer | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| Zsolt Szalay | head of department, associate professor | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| György Székely | department engineer | | Department of Vehicle Technology | | |
| Andrea Szegvári | financial administrator | | Dean’s Office | | |
| Szilárd Szigeti | PhD student | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| Péter Szilassy | PhD student | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| Dávid Sziroczák | senior lecturer | | Department of Aeronautics, Naval Architecture and Railway Vehicles | mt mt | |
| Tamás Szirányi | Professor Emeritus | | Department of Material Handling and Logistics Systems | mt mt | |
| Attila Szmejkál | ret. honorary associate professor | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| László Szőke | PhD student | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | | |
| Balázs Sztrapkovics | senior lecturer | | Department of Material Handling and Logistics Systems | mt mt | |
| János Takács | Professor Emeritus | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| Marius Pavel Tampu | financial administrator | | Dean’s Office | | |
| Lászlóné Tánczos | Professor Emerita | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | mt mt | |
| Géza Tarnai | Professor Emeritus | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | mt mt | |
| Tamás Tettamanti | associate professor | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | mt mt | |
| Dávid Tollner | PhD student | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| Tamás Tomaschek | PhD student | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| Tifani Topánka | HR administrator | | Dean’s Office | | |
| Anita Tóth | administrator | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| Bálint Tóth | PhD student | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| János Tóth | head of department, associate professor | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | mt mt | |
| Szilárd Hunor Tóth | department engineer | | Department of Vehicle Technology | | |
| Dániel Tordai | PhD student | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| Olivér Törő | assistant research fellow | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | mt mt | |
| Ádám Török | vice dean, professor | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | mt mt | |
| Árpád Török | senior research fellow | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| István Török | master lecturer | | Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis | mt mt | |
| Gergely Tulipánt | deputy head of department, associate professor | | Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis | mt mt | |
| Balázs Varga | research fellow | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | mt mt | |
| Ferenc László Varga | PhD student | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| István Varga | dean, professor | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| Gábor Várterész | IT expert | | Dean’s Office | | |
| Lajos Tamás Végh | PhD student | | Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis | mt mt | |
| Balázs Vehovszky | senior lecturer | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| Márk Venczel | PhD student | | Department of Aeronautics, Naval Architecture and Railway Vehicles | | |
| Árpád Veress | associate professor | | Department of Aeronautics, Naval Architecture and Railway Vehicles | mt mt | |
| Gábor Vida | managing expert | | Department of Vehicle Technology | | |
| Zsolt Vincze | assistant research fellow | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| Nikolett Vinnai | administrator | | Department of Vehicle Elements and Vehicle-Structure Analysis | | |
| Márton Virt | PhD student | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| Agnes Wangai | PhD student | | Department of Aeronautics, Naval Architecture and Railway Vehicles | | |
| Barbara Wegenast | administrator | | Department of Vehicle Technology | | |
| Attila Widner | PhD student | | Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems | | |
| Kriswardhana Willy | PhD student | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| Ma Yunpeng | PhD student | | Department of Transport Technology and Economics | | |
| Roland Zalacko | PhD student | | Department of Aeronautics, Naval Architecture and Railway Vehicles | mt mt | |
| Vilmos Zoller | ret. senior research fellow | | Department of Aeronautics, Naval Architecture and Railway Vehicles | mt mt | |
| Máté Zöldy | professor | | Department of Vehicle Technology | mt mt | |
| Csaba Zsadányi | managing expert, education coordinator | | Postgraduate Training Center for Technical Sciences | | |