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Bosch Future Mobility Challenge 2020

BoschFutureMobilityChallenge_2020_Poster_QRCodeThe Bosch Engineering Center invites bachelor or master students to the third edition of Bosch Future Mobility Challenge, competition that will take place on 17th May 2020 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. If you  are interested in developing autonomous driving algorithms on 1/10 scale vehicles that we will provide, then this competition is for you. In 2020 the competition will have participants from at least five European countries, and the first prize of 4500 EUR can only motivate you to create the perfect autonomous driving car. The accommodation and transportation to Cluj, for testing and final phases, will be ensured by Bosch Engineering Center Cluj.

Are you ready for the 2020 edition? Team up, find a mentor and join the challenge! Register by 31st of October 2019 on

In the meantime, you can get a glimpse of what the atmosphere of Bosch Future Mobility Challenge 2019 finals was, in the after-movie at: