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International projects

TRA 2026Transport Research Arena 2026: BudapestTransport Technology and EconomicsHorizon Europe2024-2026Esztergár-Kiss Domokos
metaCCAZEFlexibly adapted MetaInnovations, use cases, collaborative business and governance models to accelerate shared Zero Emission mobility for passengers and freightTransport Technology and EconomicsHorizon Europe2024-2027Esztergár-Kiss Domokos
DREAMSDriving Equitable and Accessible 15 Minute Neighbourhood TransformationsTransport Technology and EconomicsDriving Urban Transitions2024-2026Esztergár-Kiss Domokos
CargoNE-CityCargo Bikes and Neighborhood Engagement in the 15-Minute CityTransport Technology and EconomicsDriving Urban Transitions2024-2026Esztergár-Kiss Domokos
SUMODOSustainable Urban MObility Development in OutskirtsTransport Technology and EconomicsNKFIH2024-2026Csiszár Csaba
PLOTODeployment and Assessment of Predictive modelling, environmentally sustainable and emerging digital technologies and tools for improving the resilience of IWW against Climate change and other extremesTransport Technology and EconomicsHorizon Europe2022-2026Csiszár Csaba
RegiaMobilEnhancing Mobility Services in Rural Regions summaryTransport Technology and EconomicsCentral Europe2020-2022Esztergár-Kiss Domokos
BE OPENEuropean forum and oBsErvatory for OPEN science in transportTransport Technology and EconomicsH20202019-2021Esztergár-Kiss Domokos
ELECTRIC TRAVELLINGElectric travelling - platform to support the implementation of electromobility in Smart Cities based on ICT applicationsTransport Technology and EconomicsEME2018-2020Esztergár-Kiss Domokos
CA16222 WISE-ACTWider Impacts and Scenario Evaluation of Autonomous and Connected TransportTransport Technology and EconomicsCOST2018-2021Esztergár-Kiss Domokos
MaaS4EUEnd-to-end Approach for Mobility-as-a-Service tools, business models, enabling framework and evidence for European seamless mobilityTransport Technology and EconomicsH20202017-2020Esztergár-Kiss Domokos
EPICCentre of Excellence in Production Informatics and ControlMaterial Handling and Logistics SystemsH20202017-2023Bohács Gábor
MOVECITEngaging employers from public bodies in establishing sustainable mobility and mobility planningTransport Technology and EconomicsCentral Europe2016-2019Esztergár-Kiss Domokos
PROSPECTProactive Safety for Pedestrians and CyclistsTransport Technology and EconomicsH20202015-2018Tóth János
SMARTPOLISEstablishment of the Budapest Smart City Centre of ExcellenceAeronautics, Naval Architecture and Railway VehiclesH20202015-2016Rohács Dániel
TU1305Social Networks and Travel BehaviourTransport Technology and EconomicsCOST2014-2018Esztergár-Kiss Domokos
TU1004Modelling Public Transport Passenger Flows in the Era of Intelligent Transport SystemsTransport Technology and EconomicsCOST2014-2015Esztergár-Kiss Domokos
STARTERSustainable Transport for Areas with Tourism through Energy ReductionTransport Technology and EconomicsIEE2012-2015Nagy Zoltán
A2-NET-TEAMAdvanced Aircraft Network for Theoretical & Experimental Aeroservoelastic ModelingAeronautics, Naval Architecture and Railway VehiclesFP72012-2014Gáti Balázs
ESPOSAEfficient Systems and Propulsion for Small AircraftAeronautics, Naval Architecture and Railway VehiclesFP72011-2015Rohács József
INNOVATEModelling support to validationAeronautics, Naval Architecture and Railway VehiclesSESAR JU2011-2014Rohács József
Move It!Modernisation of Vessels for Inland waterway freight TransportAeronautics, Naval Architecture and Railway VehiclesFP72011-2014Simongáti Győző
SAT-RdmpSmall Air Transport - RoadmapAeronautics, Naval Architecture and Railway VehiclesFP72011-2013Rohács József
NELICooperation-Network for Logistics and Nautical Education focusing on Inland Waterway Transport in the Danube Corridor Supported by Innovative SolutionsAeronautics, Naval Architecture and Railway VehiclesSEE2009-2012Hargitai Csaba
EcoRailSEnergy efficiency and environmental criteria in the awarding of regional rail transport vehicles and servicesTransport Technology and EconomicsIEE2009-2011Mészáros Ferenc
DELTAConcerted coordination for the promotion of efficient multimodal interfacesTransport Technology and EconomicsFP72009-2010Nagy Zoltán
MODSafeModular urban transport safety and security analysisDepartment of Control for Transportation and Vehicle SystemsFP72009-2012Sághi Balázs
TRANS-AIDTransfer of Knowledge in Transport Infrastructure FinancingTransport Technology and EconomicsFP62005-2008Tánczos Lászlóné
IMPRINT-NETImplementing Pricing Reform in Transport NetworkingTransport Technology and EconomicsFP62005-2008Tánczos Lászlóné
REORIENTImplementing Change in the European Railway System, a Project Supporting Seamless Inter-modal Freight Transport along a Trans-European corridorTransport Technology and EconomicsFP62005-2007Tánczos Lászlóné
GRACEGeneralisation of Research on Accounts and Cost EstimationTransport Technology and EconomicsFP62005-2007Tánczos Lászlóné
HEATCODeveloping Harmonised European Approaches for Transport Costing and Project AssessmentTransport Technology and EconomicsFP62004-2006Tánczos Lászlóné
ECOHYBDevelopment of face milling process for Mg-hybrid (Mg-Al, Mg-sintered steel) materialsDepartment of Vehicle TechnologyFP62004-2006Takács János
CREATINGConcepts to Reduce Environmental impact and Attain optimal Transport performance by Inland NavigationAeronautics, Naval Architecture and Railway VehiclesFP62004-2006Simongáti Győző
SPECTRUMConcepts to Reduce Environmental impact and Attain optimal Transport performance by Inland NavigationTransport Technology and EconomicsFP52002-2005Tánczos Lászlóné
TIPPTransport Institutions in the Policy ProcessTransport Technology and EconomicsFP52002-2004Tánczos Lászlóné
MC-ICAMMarginal Cost Pricing in Transport - Integrated Conceptual and Applied Model AnalysisTransport Technology and EconomicsFP52001-2003Tánczos Lászlóné
UNITEUNIfication of accounts and marginal costs for Transport EfficiencyTransport Technology and EconomicsFP52000-2003Tánczos Lászlóné